It’s Time for the 2023 Sleep In!
It’s Time for the 2023 Sleep In!

It’s Time for the 2023 Sleep In!

The 2023 Sleep In fundraiser for Project Sleep is already upon us!

I have to admit, deciding whether to participate this year was difficult for me. I knew I WANTED to, but it’s honestly a lot of work. I’m low on ideas and energy, and I just wasn’t sure if I could muster up the effort to make it a success.

But this fundraiser means a lot to me. The previous two years have been so rewarding. It means a lot to me to have the opportunity to give back to the sleep health community. I often talk about what an impact Project Sleep had on me when I first got diagnosed, but I don’t talk enough about how I continue to benefit from the community. 

Sleep In 2023 logo

Living with a chronic illness is a lifelong process. While there are times that it feels like things are going really well and I can lose myself in the routine, I am always going to have times where it gets hard again. When I have to switch medications, or when treatments stop working so well, or when life just changes a little and I have to adjust to adapt to it. There’s days that I truly mourn the loss of a “normal” life and wish I didn’t have to deal with all of this. 

But this community is always there for me, to remind me that I’m not alone, to give me advice on navigating what I’m going through, and to help me get through it. These events do so much more than just allow me to contribute to Project Sleep’s success. They allow me to share my story, share information about sleep health and sleep disorders, and to reach people who may benefit from what I have to say, in the same way that I have benefitted in the past.

Last year was a LOT of work. Planning, creating, scheduling. And it paid off, putting me in the list of top 5 fundraisers for the second year in a row. It’s hard not to feel pressure to continue to exceed my previous year’s expectations. But I’m not going to let that pressure hold me back, because in the end, every little bit counts.

So please, if you have the means, consider donating, even just a small amount. Every dollar matters. There’s so many people like me out there who benefit from the work that Project Sleep does, and with your help, we can continue this important work.

This year’s Sleep In takes place March 17-19, 2023. Please consider visiting the links below and donating!

Richelle’s Fundraising Page
Project Sleep’s Official Sleep In Page
Richelle’s 2023 Updates Page